Now Tembisa hospital is a very SPECIAL place; it's a medium-sized secondary hospital that is very,very busy(really just like Kalafong,just not as academic and student-friendly per se) and with more than ample opportunity to learn a great deal,even if you have to bribe the sisters with chocolates to do the basics. For people that has never been a busy state-hopsital in South Africa this post will be really difficult to imagine, but will shock no doctor in the good 'ol RSA.
Labour ward 8:00-Some day I will record the sounds of an African Labour Ward, make a pleasant CD and make millions for the horror it enstills into the hearts of young,starry-eyed med-students!!!HAHAHA.....or NOT! Now the labour ward is something that I can and most probably will devote a whole entire post to. To say the least I got to deliver two babies that day, suture a 1st degree tear etc.
At about 13-ish we had to prep a patient to go to theatre(the OR) for an emergency C-section so I asked the sista if I could put in a Foley's. After she agreed and getting everything ready, I saw the biggest vulva I have ever seen. Now for me, this doesn't really mean anything as I have zilch/nothing/nada/no experience in OBGYN and the rest of the day really relied pretty much on primal instinct. So I don the gloves very professionally and swab very nicely. Now to see the urethra is not easy, but I saw it(or so I thought) and swabbed one last time to make sure it's nice and clean, I asked the patient(who was had a failed induction) to cough to just gently ease the lubricated foley's catheter into the bladder.
By the 3rd time I failed to put it in and with the mother making funny noises(still moaning,but a slightly different tone), I stood back a reassessed. I went in there again and explored the area again(which I'm now an expert on) when I realized that the catheter will never go in there and that thing was meant for something else...I then realized,admist all the confusion, why she moaned all along.
And so I will carry this name that has been passed unwillingly unto me till the day I graduate...Mr. Nicey-nice.
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