Two things...
1)There is just something in the scream of an innocent child in pain that seems to get to me everytime.
2)Alcohol seems to be involved quite frequently.
Look I'm not the one saying that there should be a test to allow one to become a parent, but it will help in most cases I have seen. I may just be prejudicious, but let me explain.
The car stops at the practice with screeching tires and hazard lights. The mother jumps out crying with her 2-year old clenched in her arms. I take them to the emergency room to quickly have a peek at what the problem is. The child obviously in a great deal of pain and distress, screams like hell with a burnt belly that is clearly not just superficial,nice partial to full-thickness burn right across the abdomen of the little one. I ask as to how the injury occured as I apply Burnshield(nice soothing burn-lotion impregnated in gauze). I could clearly see the hair round the face also being burnt, which means RED LIGHT!!! Ugly blisters on the soft-palate!!!
The dad goes on to explain that the child was playing with some sort of device that exploded. I still don't know what he was talking about.
Now this is exactly where I have great inner conflict. 1) A child of that age should be in bed by that time!?! 2) How can parents let something like this happens. I mean if something has the potential to explode, then a 2-year old shouldn't be playing with it! 3) Is it really necessary for them to reek of alcohol.
While I enjoy a couple of drinks myself now and then and knowing stupid accidents can happen.(Especially when one of my friends surfed on the roof of a Tazz and only fell when they pulled into a parking space after clinging for +-2km,hahahaha) Surely one is more cautious and conscientious when children are involved?!
Maybe I don't understand these things as I am not a parent yet, but one thing is for sure...I will never be the one looking the doctor in the eye and trying to explain how something happened to my child(caused either directly or indirectly by EtOH) with my breath reeking of Whiskey,Brannas etc. That raw-scream ensured that!!!
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